SO I'm no physicist, but I know from my 12th-grade physics class that at the quantum level, we got protons, neutrons, electrons, quarks, and all that jazz. Protons, neutrons, and electrons follow a system of orbits, so to speak. An electron orbits a nucleus consisting of a proton or a neutron at its smallest scale. This orbital path consists of all these things called electrons. It is their universe. But does the universe end there? No, of course not, it only gets bigger.
A group of electrons now orbit a group of protons or neutrons that come to form a molecule. When you start putting more of these molecules that are made up of these orbits together in unison, you may even get an organism, like an ant. This ant lives in an anthill and goes its whole life orbiting around that anthill. It will never go beyond a certain radius from that hill. This is like the ant's universe. But just because this ant can't see beyond its own parameters around the anthill that is its relative universe, this begs the question -- is the universe limited to the scale of the ant?
Let me ask you, what do you get when you get a bunch of organisms living all together in the same place? You get an ecosystem. What do a series of ecosystems in conjunction make up? Planet Earth. But what does the Earth do? The Earth orbits around the sun. Which is part of the Milky Way, which is spiraling around in outer space with its own orbit. You try to get bigger than that and you will find that the entire universe in itself is constantly in motion and arguably on an orbit of its own. Everything is a universe in itself, just on relative terms.
A seagull probably can't picture that its actually living in a galaxy among trillions of other galaxies, but does that mean it stops there on the seagull's level? No, because the universe is forever expanding along with our imaginations. It has no end or at least none that we are aware of.
So what is the big difference from an electron orbiting a proton on a small scale, and a planet orbiting a star on a large one? Just the relative size of the scale. But if you think about it its all really a part of the same order of operations, you know, the one Thoth was probably talking about. As above, so below.

Thoth the Egyptian scribe god or god of wisdom
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